Boost your health with Red Ginseng World today.
2645 N Berkeley Lake Rd. F-146 Duluth GA 30096
Business Hours
11 am-7 pm
11 am-6 pm
Enhance your health and vitality with our premium quality Korean Red Ginseng products.
Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
3 items | $130.00 | 33% off |
How Sejong Chungbogam works
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세종요로청보감, 미 전역 출시 6개월 만에 관심 폭발
식약청이 공인한 요로건강기능식품…방광염, 요실금에 탁월한 효능
건강기능식품 전문업체 세종바이오텍이 요로건강을 위한 신제품을 출시했다.
미국, 캐나다 한인동포들의 건강을 지켜온 세종바이오텍은 최고의 요로건강 기능식품인 ‘세종요로청보감’의 판매를 시작한다. 이미 세종바이오텍은 혈관청소, 혈당조절기능이 탁월한 세종송보감과 치매예방, 기억력개선, 뇌졸증 예방을 위한 세종뇌보감에 이어 이번에 출시하는 세종요로청보감도 한국식약청(KFDA)이 요실금, 방광염, 요로건강에 탁월한 효능을 공인하고 있다.
이번에 출시된 세종요로보감은 크렌베리가 주성분으로 호박추출물과 마그네슘, 콜라겐 등을 함유하며 신장, 방광건강 및 요로건강 전반의 기능개선에 탁월하다고 전한다.
특히 주원료인 파크란크렌베리는 미국 DBS사의 개발제품으로 기존 크렌베리를 100배 이상 농축한 원료로 미국, 영국 등에 특허를 보유하고 있고 미국 크레이튼 대학의 임상실험에서도 요로건강의 효능을 입증한 바 있다.
또한 한국식약청으로부터 요로건강의 효능을 공식 인정받은 건강식품이므로 제품박스에 한국식약청의 인증마크라 효능이 표기되어 있어 안심하고 구입하면 된다.
-하루 8번이상 소변을 보시는 분, 잠잘 때 2번이상 화장실 가시는 분
-방광염으로 소변볼 때 통증이나 혈뇨를 보시는 분
-요실금으로 가벼운 자극에도 소변이 흐르는 분
-출산, 비만 등 성인병의 이유로 소변 민감성이 크신 분
-전립선비대증 및 남성 요실금에도 탁 월한 효능
(자료제공: 세종바이오텍)
1. High Quality: Red Ginseng World's products are made with high-quality Korean red ginseng, which is known for its potent health benefits.
2. Variety of Products: Red Ginseng World offers a variety of products, including capsules, extract, tea, and even skincare products, so customers can choose the best way to incorporate red ginseng into their daily routine.
3. Trusted Brand: Red Ginseng World has been in the business for many years, and has earned a reputation for providing exceptional customer service and high-quality products.
4. Health Benefits: Korean red ginseng has been shown to have many health benefits, including improving energy, cognitive function, and immune system function, among others.
5. Competitive Pricing: Red Ginseng World offers competitive pricing for its high-quality products, making it an affordable choice for those looking to incorporate red ginseng into their wellness routine.
1. What is Korean red ginseng?
Korean red ginseng is a type of ginseng that is grown in Korea and is known for its numerous health benefits.
2. What are the benefits of Korean red ginseng?
Korean red ginseng has been shown to boost energy levels, improve cognitive function, enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve cardiovascular health.
3. How is Korean red ginseng different from other types of ginseng?
Korean red ginseng is harvested and processed differently than other types of ginseng, which results in a higher concentration of certain active compounds that are responsible for its health benefits.
4. Can Korean red ginseng be used to treat specific health conditions?
Korean red ginseng has been studied for its potential to improve a variety of health conditions, including diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and cancer. However, more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness for these conditions.
5. Can pregnant or breastfeeding women consume Korean red ginseng?
Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid consuming Korean red ginseng because of its potential effects on hormone levels.
6. Can Korean red ginseng help with fatigue?
Yes, Korean red ginseng has been shown to help reduce fatigue and increase energy levels. It is often used by athletes and individuals who need an extra boost of energy.
"I was hesitant to try red ginseng at first, but after hearing about the health benefits and giving Red Ginseng World's products a try, I'm so glad I did. Not only do I feel more energized, but my overall mood has improved as well. I would highly recommend these products to anyone looking to improve their overall well-being."
"I've been taking Red Ginseng World's supplements for a few weeks now and have already noticed a significant improvement in my energy levels. I feel more alert and focused throughout the day, and have even been able to reduce my caffeine intake!"
Hey there, I'm the proud owner of Red Ginseng World, a small business located in Duluth, Georgia. Our mission is simple - to provide the highest quality Korean Red Ginseng products to our customers.
As someone who has always been passionate about natural health remedies, I turned to Korean Red Ginseng when I started experiencing fatigue and low energy levels. I was blown away by the natural energy boost it provided me without the dreaded caffeine crash. It was then that I realized the incredible benefits that Korean Red Ginseng could provide to others, and that's when Red Ginseng World was born.
At our store, we are more than just a business - we are a community of individuals who care deeply about natural health and well-being. We are dedicated to sharing the amazing benefits of Korean Red Ginseng with our customers and helping them live their best lives.
Our Korean Red Ginseng products are truly exceptional, providing a natural energy boost and overall health benefits that are second to none. We take great pride in offering only the highest quality products and exceptional customer service.
So if you're looking for a natural way to boost your energy levels and improve your overall health, then look no further than Red Ginseng World. We're here to help you achieve your health goals and feel your best, naturally.
Boost your health with Red Ginseng World today.
Business Hours
11 am-7 pm
11 am-6 pm